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The night sky is breathtaking. If you go somewhere reasonably dark and let your eyes adjust, you can look up and see thousands of pin pricks of light, each one a star or galaxy that’s millions of years old. I find it completely humbling.

夜空令人叹为观止。 如果您走到相当黑暗的地方,并且可以调节眼睛,则可以抬起头来看看成千上万的光刺,每个光刺都是数百万年的恒星或星系。 我发现它完全让人感到谦卑。

The night sky also makes a great subject for photography. With long shutter speeds, your camera can capture way more light than your eyes, giving you an even better view. Here’s how to take a good photo of a starry night sky.

夜空也是摄影的绝佳对象。 在长快门速度下,您的相机可以比您的眼睛捕获更多的光线,从而为您提供更好的视野。 这是如何拍摄星空的好照片。

是什么造就了美好的夜空照片 (What Makes a Good Night Sky Photograph)

The best photos of the night skies show thousands of tiny stars. They make you feel like you’re looking up at an infinite universe.

夜空的最佳照片显示了成千上万颗小星星。 它们使您感觉就像您在注视着无限的宇宙。

They’re also grounded. An image that’s just of stars looks, at best, like one of NASA’s scientific photos or a computer generated rendering.

它们也已接地。 一张只有星星的图像看起来最多像是NASA的科学照片之一或计算机生成的渲染图。

Instead, great photos of the night sky normally feature some landscape as context. The vastness of the stars is contrasted with something that’s a lot closer to home.

取而代之的是,夜空的精美照片通常以某些风景为背景。 巨大的恒星与离家更近的东西形成对比。

技术资料 (The Technical Stuff)

While you can take a photo of the night sky pretty much anywhere, you need to go somewhere dark to get the best results. A city 30 miles away throws off enough light pollution to affect your images. Professional astrophotographers tend to go far out into the desert or high up into the mountains to get their photos. The best way to find dark skies is with something like . You can see in the screenshot below that most of the Eastern half of the US is pretty bad for nigh photography, but the West and Midwest has plenty of options.

虽然您几乎可以在任何地方拍摄夜空的照片,但是您需要去黑暗的地方以获得最佳效果。 30英里外的城市会产生足够的光污染,从而影响您的图像。 专业的天文摄影师往往走得更远进入沙漠或爬上高山去获取照片。 查找黑暗天空的最佳方法是使用 。 您可以在下面的屏幕截图中看到,美国东部大部分地区的近景摄影都非常糟糕,但是西部和中西部地区有很多选择。

If you can’t get somewhere really dark, the best thing to do is photograph the darkest horizon. I live in a pretty light polluted area, but because it’s on the coast, I can take some alright night photos, like the one below that shows the aurora borealis, as long as I point my camera out to sea.

如果您无法到达真正黑暗的地方,最好的办法是拍摄最黑暗的地平线。 我生活在一个污染严重的地区,但是因为它在海岸上,所以只要我将相机对准大海,我就可以拍一些好的夜间照片,例如下面显示北极光的照片。

For night sky photography, you’re balancing a couple of things: you want to let as much light into your camera without image quality suffering because of the stars moving or noise. This means you want to and . For most cameras, this will be about 1600. For professional cameras you can go to 3200 or 6400 in a push, while older cameras will probably need to drop to 800.

对于夜空摄影,您需要权衡以下几点:您想让尽可能多的光线进入相机,而又不会因恒星移动或噪音而影响图像质量。 这意味着您希望将 , 。 对于大多数相机,这大约是1600。对于专业相机,您可以一键推至3200或6400,而较旧的相机可能需要降至800。

for astrophotography, and it’s tied to what focal length you use. Because the stars move in the sky, if you leave the shutter open too long, they’ll smear, and instead of having sharp pin pricks of light, you’ll have weird blurs like you can see in the image below.

对于天文摄影来说, 一些,它与您使用的焦距有关。 因为星星在天空中移动,所以如果您将百叶窗打开得太久,它们会产生污点,而不是像尖锐的针刺般刺破光线,而是像下面的图片所示,会产生奇怪的模糊。

The 500 Rule serves as a guideline for what the max shutter speed you can use at a given focal length is. Simply divide 500 by the focal length of the lens, and you’ll get the answer in seconds. For example, if you take a photo with a 20mm lens, the maximum shutter speed you can use without star trails is 25 seconds.

500规则可作为在给定焦距下可以使用的最大快门速度的指南。 只需将500除以镜头的焦距,即可在几秒钟内得到答案。 例如,如果您使用20mm镜头拍摄照片,则没有星迹时可以使用的最大快门速度为25秒。

A couple of caveats about the 500 rule. First, if you’re using a , you need to use the full frame equivalent focal length for the calculation, in other words, multiply the focal length by 1.5 before dividing it into 500. The 500 rule also doesn’t work as well with super high resolution cameras. If you’re using a camera with a high resolution sensor, you should divide the focal length into 300 or so to get a more realistic number.

关于500条规则的一些警告。 首先,如果您使用的是 ,则需要使用全帧等效焦距进行计算,换句话说,将焦距乘以1.5再除以500。500规则也不起作用以及超高分辨率相机。 如果您使用带有高分辨率传感器的相机,则应将焦距划分为300左右以获得更真实的数值。

A bit of simple algebra (or trial and error) makes it clear then, that the shorter the focal length, the longer the shutter speed can be before you see star trails. At 17mm, you can get away with 30 second exposures, while at 50mm, you will see them after 10 seconds. There’s also another reason to lean towards : you get which means it’s easier to get more interesting foregrounds into your star photos.

一点简单的代数(或反复试验)便可以清楚地表明,焦距越短,在看到星迹之前快门速度就越长。 在17毫米处,您可以摆脱30秒的曝光,而在50毫米处,您将在10秒后看到它们。 偏向另一个原因是:您可以获得 ,这意味着更容易将更有趣的前景融入星状照片中。

Since we’re talking of shutter speeds measured in the dozens of seconds, it goes without saying that a stable tripod is an essential bit of kit. You won’t be able to take any star photos with your camera held in your hands! Similarly, because camera shake can be a problem, you’ll want to either use a remote trigger or the two second count down timer on your camera.

由于我们所说的快门速度是几十秒,因此不用说稳定的三脚架是必不可少的工具。 手持相机,您将无法拍摄任何明星照片! 同样,由于相机抖动可能是个问题,因此您将需要使用远程触发器或相机上的两秒倒数计时器。

Autofocus doesn’t really work at night, so it’s best to use manual focus. If your camera has a live view mode, use it to zoom in on the stars, then manually focus your lens until they are pin pricks.

自动对焦并不能在夜间真正起作用,因此最好使用手动对焦。 如果您的相机具有实时取景模式,请使用它来放大星空,然后手动对焦镜头,直到它们成为针刺。

Astrophotography is one time when . You need as much information in your images as possible.

天文摄影是 。 您需要图像中尽可能多的信息。

Star photography, as you can see, is pretty technical, but that doesn’t mean it’s difficult. Just go out, follow the instructions above as close as you can and see what you get. Don’t expect stunning results first time, just be prepared to learn from your mistakes.

如您所见,星空摄影是非常技术性的,但这并不意味着很难。 刚出去,请按照上面的指示尽可能地靠近,然后看看您得到了什么。 不要期望第一次获得惊人的结果,而要准备从错误中学习。

其他技巧 (Other Tips and Tricks)

One of the big “secrets” to astrophotography is post-processing. Using Lightroom, Photoshop, or your image editor of choice, go in there and use the tools to increase things like shadow detail, highlight detail, contrast, and exposure. You should also fine tune the colors by increasing the saturation and playing around with the white balance. Tweak things until they look good.

天文摄影的最大“秘密”之一就是后处理。 使用Lightroom,Photoshop或您选择的图像编辑器,进入那里并使用工具来增加阴影细节,高光细节,对比度和曝光度。 您还应该通过增加饱和度并使用白平衡来微调颜色。 调整事物,直到看起来不错为止。

Here’s the before of one of my photos.


And the after.


As you can see, a bit of post-processing really brings it together.


Here are some other tips to keep in mind:


  • . If you’re just trying to take photos of the stars, try going out on nights with no moon. Otherwise it will just interfere with your shots.

    。 如果您只是想拍摄星星的照片,请尝试在没有月亮的夜晚外出。 否则会干扰您的拍摄。

  • Even after the sun sets, its light still effects the night sky. Wait until after astronomical twilight ends, which is when the sun has dipped far enough below the horizon that its light rays don’t reach the atmosphere in your location. You can find the various twilight times on .

    即使在太阳下山之后,它的光线仍然会影响夜空。 等到天文暮光结束之后,这时太阳已经浸入地平线以下足够远的距离,以至于其光线无法到达您所在位置的大气层。 您可以在上找到不同的黄昏时间。

  • It should be obvious, but the best time to take photos of the night sky is on a clear night. If there’s a lot of cloud cover, you won’t see a thing.

    这很明显,但是最好的时间是在晴朗的夜晚拍摄夜空。 如果有很多云,您将看不到任何东西。
  • If you want to take a photo of a specific constellation, use an app to help you find it. , and .

    如果您想拍摄特定星座的照片,请使用一个应用程序来帮助您找到它。 ,“ 。

  • Bring a head lamp with you when you go out to shoot star photos. They’re much easier to work with than your phone’s flashlight.

    外出拍摄明星照片时,请带上头灯。 它们比手机的手电筒更容易使用。

I love taking photos at night. It’s really peaceful and since your subject isn’t going anywhere in a hurry, you can take your time.

我喜欢在晚上拍照。 这确实很和平,而且由于您的主题不会匆忙走到任何地方,因此您可以花些时间。




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